Health and Safety measures
Thank you Ministry Of Tourism And Antiquities ( MOTA ) for your care and support this sticker show's how recognizes our awareness of cleanliness and hygiene also urges us to stay continually conscious of public health and safety of our guests.

How to Clean and Sanitize Your Scuba Equipment
In light of the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), questions have arisen in the dive community about disease transmission when using rental equipment, especially regulators.
With the threat of coronavirus on everyone's minds, divers want to know what precautions are being taken against the spread of disease.
Properly sanitizing equipment is paramount. So here we collect trips how to clean and sanitize your scuba equipment. Keep the following in mind:
According to the CDC, household cleaners are as effective against COVID-19 as they are against the common cold and flu viruses.
Therefore, cleaning and disinfecting equipment meant for personal use (such as second-stage regulators, masks, snorkels and BCD oral inflators) is very important.
The risk of acquiring a disease or infection from contaminated scuba equipment is low. H however, there are many benefits to using clean, well-cared-for scuba equipment.
Properly maintained dive gear can last longer and is less likely to malfunction and cause a dive accident. Divers Alert Network (DAN) encourages divers to review the manufacturer’s recommendations in addition to the following guidelines when cleaning and sanitizing scuba equipment.