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Try Scuba Diving Aqaba, Jordan

Have you ever thought about trying scuba diving Aqaba? Then a try scuba dive might be the best option for you. It just sounds like “Try”. With Coral Garden Diving Center you will have a full introduction to the underwater world, you will know how to use all equipment, how to breathe underwater, how to equalize your ears, basic hand signals and a lot of other questions about scuba diving. Try Diving in Aqaba takes just a half day – morning or afternoon. We run try dives every day.

Try Scuba Diving Aqaba, Jordan

Try Dive will let you experience this amazing feeling similar to the weightlessness of outer space. And you will be in the middle of the amazing underwater marine life! Be careful! A lot of you will fall in love with it, and many of you will continue learning and start Open Water Course.


Try dive from the boat


Dive to the wrecks 


Dive with marine life 

No reason to worry!

Are you worried that you cannot do it? You will see that it’s not difficult. In our diving centre, you will find the best conditions to start your new life as a diver.

We always conduct try dives with professional instructors so that you feel comfortable and confident underwater. Probably you will enjoy your first experience as a diver.

First of all, we enter the water from the beach so that you have plenty of time to get used to the new equipment. Also, we practice breathing with a regulator first swimming on the surface. The reason that you can take your time to adapt this is as we are never in a rush. Then we start descending, first to 1 meter and then deeper and deeper till we reach 6-7 meters depth. Finally, here you will find yourself surrounded by fishes, corals and marine animals.

Details of try scuba diving

An introduction to scuba diving in a supervised and relaxed manner.  During three hours of fun and adventure, your qualified diving instructor will brief you and complete scuba diving theory demonstrations, then let you practice some basic skills in confined water. This is continued in a shallow dive to a maximum depth of 7 meters. Underwater time is approximately  30-35 minutes. The maximum number of divers for 1 instructor is 2 divers to 1 instructor.


You don’t need prior experience for this; you don’t even need to be able to swim! Anybody above the age of 8 can dive. If you have always fancied scuba diving, or only just thought about it, it’s a great way to find out if it’s for you. Our Try Dives are really popular if you are limited in time and just want to have a go. We are waiting for

Coral Garden Diving Center 

Opening Times :
Monday - Sunday: 8 AM - 7 PM
On request, we are open earlier/later for sunrise, sunset & night dives.

Book your trip via Email/WhatsApp


For quick booking and information contact us on WhatsApp